M.D. Kittle exposes Bruce Landgraf in this Wisconsin Reporter piece. Landgraf was even willing to jail an innocent man to further his investigation.
MADISON, Wis. — Milwaukee County Assistant District Attorney Bruce Landgrafwas so obsessed with going after the target of a secret John Doe investigation that he was willing to jail an innocent man.
That’s what the attorney for a Rice Lake Harley-Davidson dealer contends three years after Christopher Brekken spent the better part of a day in jail for failing to comply with the investigation’s court-ordered subpoena — a subpoena that would have forced Brekken to violate state law.
“I’ve been practicing law for 34 years this week, and this is just as egregious an abuse of prosecutorial power as I’ve ever seen,” said Michael Schwartz, Brekken’s Minnesota-based attorney.
Brekken’s experience with Landgraf illustrates what critics have said about Landgraf’s role in the newest Democrat-led investigation of Wisconsin conservatives: Driven by arrogance and a driving belief that the end justifies the means, he’s willing to flout the law he is sworn to defend.
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