Big Dog Spenders of Your Money – E.J. Smith
Have you heard about the big dog campaign spender? No, it’s not the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Even though it seems President Obama would like you to believe that it is. The largest outside campaign spender of the 2010 elections is surprise, surprise, a union. That’s right a union and it’s not even the AFL-CIO. It’s the 1.6 million-member American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) which is spending $87.5 million to help protect the Democrats’ in Congress. “We’re the big dog,” says Larry Scanlon, the head of AFSCME’s political operations. “But we don’t like to brag.” Sure you don’t, Mr. Scanlon.
On November 2 the rest of America will decide if we’re the next France, where unions are on strike. Only unions have the luxury of voting in their own bosses at your expense. They will always vote for a big dog spender at the expense of the middle-class taxpayer. It’s the union leadership, not their members, that are to blame. Thanks, Mr. Scanlon, for helping conservatives get out the vote.
If you haven’t seen this yet, Harry Reid claims to have prevented a worldwide depression. It sounds a lot like another man who once claimed he invented the internet.
Get Out the Vote – Dick Young
In the final days of this election season, some of the key races for Senate seats are tightening up. Democrats have unleashed a wave of salacious and disingenuous campaign advertising on an unsuspecting public. No one thought they would go this low. Democrats marring of their opponents is almost treasonous, as it will hurt the morale and attitude of Americans for years to come. Many of these claims are just outright lies. Even when the Democrats are called on their slander, they stare blankly back with no hint of remorse or even guilt. They will do whatever they need to do to win, even if that means tearing America apart.
These dirty tactics, led by the White House lies about the Chamber of Commerce, have not deterred the conservative candidates from their races though. Rand Paul in Kentucky has come under a barrage of negative and false advertising from his opponent, Obama-buddy Jack Conway. But Paul fights on and so should all conservative Americans. Conway is Kentucky’s Attorney General, and ought to know that it is illegal to lie about someone in the public sphere. Paul is still ahead, but his lead is slipping. Kentuckians need to make sure they get out the word that Jack Conway is lying about Rand Paul, and that Rand Paul is the only conservative in the race.
There is good news from Nevada, where Sharron Angle has taken the lead over Harry Reid. Angle is a tough conservative who bested two very good opponents in the primary to win the Republican nomination. She has used the same conservative appeal that she deployed in the primary to win over Nevadans. It seems as though the enthusiasm gap is already playing in Angle’s favor, as many more Republicans are out voting in the early days of Nevada’s long voting period. It seems Nevadans just can’t wait to vote against Harry Reid.
A new poll from Pennsylvania’s Muhlenberg College has shown that Pat Toomey’s lead in the Senate race there has closed up. The race is now neck and neck and Toomey needs the support of all Pennsylvanians to win. His opponent, Joe Sestak is an extreme liberal, and still hasn’t answered the public’s questions about his roll in Jobsgate, where federal jobs were used in an attempt to bribe Senate candidates. Pat Toomey will assuredly be one of the most principled senators the nation has seen in a long time. America needs Toomey in the chamber.
It’s up to you to get out the vote for these candidates. Each needs all the support they can muster. Make sure you vote, but also make sure that your friends vote too. There are lots of ways you can help turn out the vote on November 2nd. If you have relatives or friends without vehicles offer them a ride to their polling place. The elderly are often disenfranchised by just such a circumstance. They often sit at nursing homes on election day with no way to get to the polling station. Your children too might just not be aware of the election. Make sure they ride along with you to the polling place. Every vote counts. Many elections were won and lost by as few as a hundred votes in 2008. Make sure your vote counts.
Poll: The Fed Won’t Control Inflation – Timothy Jones
A new Rasmussen poll is almost hard to believe. The majority of Americans say that they don’t believe the Fed will keep inflation under control. That’s not the hard to believe part. The part that strikes me is that 41% of Americans believe that the Fed will keep inflation under control. This 41% obviously hasn’t been listening to Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke when he said that more inflation would be a good thing.