A Tea Party Manifesto – Dick Armey and Matt Kibbe, The Wall Street Journal
You deserve proper representation. That’s why the November elections cannot be about the same old Republicans vs. Democrats, as usual. We have already been down the “government can solve your problems” road. There’s a better way. Democrats, Republicans and Independents who are for limited government have the Tea Party movement. Candidates who have signed its Contract from America demand, as Mr. Armey and Mr. Kibbe point out, fiscal policies that limit government, restrain spending, promote market reforms in health care and oppose ObamaCare, tax hikes and cap-and-trade restrictions that will kill job creation and stunt economic growth. You should demand nothing less. – E.J. Smith
Good Signs for GOP in New Batch of Polls From Key House Districts – Jim Geraghty, National Review
The GOP is making serious headway in many of the most competitive races on the east coast. My home district of NY-20 is seeing a battle heat up between Chris Gibson a retired Army colonel and foreign policy expert and Scott Murphy, the current incumbent Democrat. Murphy’s greatest claim to fame in NY-20 is the massive number of mailings he has sent out using taxpayer money from his office. The mailings are mostly just campaign materials disguised as constituent correspondence. I wholeheartedly endorse Chris Gibson, and hope you will support him too. – Timothy Jones
Dismantling America – Thomas Sowell, National Review
The Obama administration, like the Wilson administration, wishes to fundamentally alter what America is. That’s not the president’s job, and no one has asked him to do so. The president is supposed to protect America and Americans, not change the government to suit his needs. The traditional progressive disregard for the constitution lives on in Barack Obama and today’s radical progressive movement. – Deborah Young
Bill McCollum’s Ground Game – Kyle O. Peterson, National Review
Florida Attorney General, Bill McCollum is running for governor and setting himself apart as the true conservative in the field. Florida Republicans can vote now in the primary, and can do so until the 24th.
Banking on Mike Castle – Jeff Poor, The American Spectator
The people of Delaware, and Americans in general, are looking down the barrel of a loaded gun at Mike Castle. He is an extremely liberal Republican who is likely to win the Senate seat in Delaware. He has voted for cap and tax legislation in the House, and there is no reason to suspect he will not do so in the Senate. Since his election is actually a special election to fill Joe Biden’s seat, if Castle wins he will be installed in the Senate immediately. This can’t be counted as a win for Republican conservatives, just as more of the same when it comes to cap and tax. – Dick Young
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