April 15th Tax Day Protests Only 14 Days Away! – Brendan Steinhauser, FreedomWorks.org
The day will start with a liberty summit at the Ronald Reagan building in D.C., then head over to the Hill for some grassroots lobbying. – Dick Young
Just Djou It – Jim Geraghty, National Review
President Obama carried Hawaii’s first congressional district by a 70% to 28% margin. Now it looks like Republican councilman Charles Djou is ready to pull a Scott Brown on the Democrats. It would be shocking for Democrats to lose a seat Republicans had no chance to win before the Obama-Monster was passed into temporary law. – Dick Young
ObamaCare and the Constitution – Review & Outlook, The Wall Street Journal
Anyone disputing that the Obamacare individual mandate is unconstitutional is either illiterate or openly disregarding the Constitution. Just how far are Congress, and the Supreme Court for that matter, willing to stretch the bounds of the Commerce Clause? The editors correctly make the point that the Bill of Rights is “an affirmation of the rights inherent in the rest of the Constitution, not the only restraint on government.” – Timothy Jones
Notable & Quotable – The Wall Street Journal
“When gifts are replaced by rights, so is gratitude replaced by claims.”
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