Originally posted December 14, 2015.
Michael Scheuer, former CIA bin Laden unit chief, writes, “Trump’s suggestion that the national government temporarily ban the entry of non-U.S.-citizen Muslims into the United States can only build the American public’s confidence in Mr. Trump.”
Mr. Trump knows or senses what so many Americans are thinking, feeling, and fearing about the Muslim problem and he speaks clearly and directly to and for those people. Among the things he knows about the citizenry are:
- Americans are sick unto death of Muslims of every shape and location.
- Americans are sick unto death of hearing about how careful they should be not to offend the “valuable Arab allies” of the United States, especially Saudi Arabia
- Americans ought to be sick unto death-and would be if fully informed-of the Committee on American Islamic Relations. (CAIR)
Dr. Scheuer concludes, “So pour it on, Mr. Trump. Teach the self-righteous anti-American bastards who oppose and hate you that the U.S. Constitution is meant to protect only Americans, not to entitle, pamper, and discriminate in favor of foreigners.”
More from Michael Scheuer here on CNN:
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