CNN Poll: Support for Kagan Confirmation Drops – Paul Steinhauser,
It is no surprise that as Americans have gotten a closer look at Elena Kagan, their support for her appointment to the Supreme Court has diminished markedly. Since May support in polls for Kagan has dropped by 10 points, that’s a faster drop than Charlie Crist saw in the GOP primary polls in Florida. Kagan’s uber-progressive views and support of all the Clinton administration’s dirty little tricks has undoubtedly seeped into the consciousness of many Americans and turned them off to her appointment. The Supreme Court needs devoted constitutionalists, not radical left-wing progressives bent on changing the face of the United States. – Dick Young
The Roundtable’s Great Awakening – Review & Outlook, The Wall Street Journal
The Business Roundtable (BRT) has finally figured out even they can’t lobby their way around Obama and the radical progressives in the White House. BRT members, who focused on their own special interests rather than protecting the free market economy, failed to read the writing on the wall with the stimulus, Obamacare, cap and trade, higher taxes, and endless regulation full of unintended consequences. It’s no mystery how the stock market feels about this administration. It’s time we hear more from BRT. – E.J. Smith
How Much Longer? – Doug Bandow, The American Spectator
Americans have now been guarding the Korean border for generations now. Why? Why haven’t the South Koreans mobilized their own protection? South Korea is much wealthier than North Korea and has over twice the population. Surely they can take care of themselves. Instead, the U.S. has subsidized the defense of South Korea for generations while they have built major industries to compete with America’s. KIA has flourished while America has guarded the Korean border, and lost market share at GM and Chrysler, and Ford. America is protecting numerous competitor countries that would otherwise have to spend money financing their own defense, rather than using it to compete against America. Think of where America has its troops stationed, Germany, Japan, and South Korea. The U.S. also protects Europe’s oil supply in the Middle East. That is a subsidy to all European industry. The U.S. buys a fraction of the oil from the Middle East that Europe does, yet the U.S. is the one stabilizing the Middle East. The American military is used to subsidize the world’s security, not America’s. That should end today. – Timothy Jones
The Law? How Quaint! – Victor Davis Hanson, National Review
It is apparent in the way Labor Secretary Hilda Solis has offered undocumented workers confidentiality if they complain about wages that the federal government under the Obama administration is already working under the assumption that illegal immigrants have been granted amnesty. This is why Arizona, and soon other states, has acted on its own to protect its citizens from illegal immigration. I posted yesterday a video of Solis offering illegal immigrants federal help in receiving a fair wage, meaning that even after the federal government acknowledges that an immigrant is here illegally, it will not only allow them to remain in the country without penalty, but also help get them a raise. Only in Obama’s America. – Dick Young
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