The Recovery Starts With Sound Money – Judy Shelton, The Wall Street Journal
Judy Shelton hits the nail on the head when she says that “What government policy makers in the U.S. and Europe fail to realize is that far from being seen as capable of delivering economic salvation, they are increasingly perceived as primary contributors to global financial ruin.” It surely isn’t the same government hack behavior that got the world into this mess that is going to get it out again. Interest rates that were too low, coupled with federal government constituency building shenanigans at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, along with a refusal to properly carry out regulatory mandates has eroded the trust of Americans, Europeans and most of the world’s citizens in their respective governments. As Ms. Shelton points out, when government can both borrow money and manipulate its value, a conflict of interest is created in which savers and retirees on a fixed income are taken to the cleaners with inflation and currency depreciation. – Dick Young
DoJ Draft: Arizona Immigration Law Impedes Federal Authority – Daniel Foster, National Review
The Justice Department, headed by Eric Holder, is suing Arizona in an attempt to reverse the state’s new immigration law. In order for the case to go forward, President Obama will have to sign on. Don’t be surprised if he does. The President’s recent move to send National Guard troops to the border is a scam. First of all, National Guard troops belong home with their families unless the country is being attacked. Secondly, as the tensions along the Korean border heat up, it is a good time to examine why over 25,000 members of the American military are stationed on that border and not on America’s border. Finally, the troops won’t even be allowed to help that much. They will be mostly lame additions to the effort that border patrols are making, without the power to directly intervene. – Dick Young
Obama Omerta – Robert Costa, National Review
There is a possible cover up happening in the Obama White House. The Justice Department is stonewalling Congressman Darrell Issa on his request for a special prosecutor. Seven senators have now asked Eric Holder to appoint a special prosecutor to the case of whether or not Joe Sestak, the former navy admiral running for Senate in Pennsylvania was offered a bribe by the Obama administration to get out of the race and let the President’s favored candidate, Arlen Specter, win the nomination. Right now, the administration is asking the American people to trust them. When the Bush administration did the same thing regarding warrantless wiretaps, Democrats were much more eager to get investigations underway. – Dick Young
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie Sets an Example for the Rest of the Nation – Matthew Clemente,
Chris Christie is leading the way for states that have racked up too much debt, and are spending too much. He is cutting taxes and has frozen spending on much of the budget. The budget freezes have allowed New Jersey to absorb a shortfall in revenue without having to raise taxes or borrow money. Christie also wants to cap property tax increases in New Jersey at 2.5% per year. That would bring New Jersey in line with Massachusetts, which has become more competitive after the cap was put in place. – Dick Young
Countdown to Repealing Obamacare – Merrill Matthews, Human Events
States’ Attorneys General are actively pursuing lawsuits against the mandates of Obamacare, and assemblymen from 38 states have filed or prefiled legislation that would stop Obamacare in their states. The powerful states’ rights movement is bubbling and it is only a matter of time before it starts to boil. – Dick Young
Top 10 New Revelations About Obamacare – Maggie Piggot, Human Events
This is a foul list of revelations about the effects of Obamacare. The backroom deals used to secure support for this monstrosity are only going to hurt America, and will only help those senators looking to burnish their legacies. – Dick Young
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