Commentary by Dick Young on Miracle on Ice? By Robert Costa, National Review
Americans have yelled loud and clear that they are tired of the establishment. Conservative Americans are cleaning house in the Republican Party. The first step was the denial of Charlie Crist in the race for the Republican senatorial nomination in Florida. That upset Charlie so much he’s running as an independent. The next blows came when Rand Paul won the GOP nomination in Kentucky, and Mike Lee in Utah. Those races pitted establishment candidates against conservative ideals. The establishment lost. Today, Lisa Murkowski looks to lose her seat in the senate to another Tea Party conservative. That’s good news for America.
Commentary by Timothy Jones on Housing Stops by Ross Kaminsky, The American Spectator
There are loads of houses for sale today. It’s not surprising to see Americans give up buying homes. A good portion of them are unemployed. The others are so uncertain of the future that making a major investment in housing probably doesn’t seem like a good idea. Even with mortgage rates lower than they have been in most people’s lifetimes, credit limits have been tightened so much that most Americans don’t qualify for a mortgage today. The housing market is abysmal, but that’s what happens when government interferes with a market for decades.
Commentary by E.J. Smith on Big Foot on Campus by the editors of The Wall Street Journal
Zero point zero comes to mind as an appropriate GPA for Obamacare, and I’m sure that many administrators in charge of health insurance at colleges and universities are in agreement. After spending their entire summer reading this albatross, they’ve come to find out it is no longer possible to offer short-term plans to students who are no longer covered under their parents’ plan. Obamacare eliminates this effective short-term coverage and kills a successful free market solution.
Commentary by Deborah Young on Stop the Madness by Pete Du Pont, The Wall Street Journal
This year the value of outstanding federal government debt will equal 94% of GDP. This doesn’t include money owed to Social Security or other off-budget programs. That level of debt is simply unacceptable. The United States has the world’s largest GDP, nearly $trillion. Having debt that large, even for the richest nation on earth, is dangerous. Americans must elect congressmen, senators and a president that will work to reduce spending, reduce the country’s debt, and reduce the power of Washington D.C.
Commentary by Dick Young on Obama Appointee under Ethics Cloud by Audrey Hudson, Human Events
With the appointment of Craig Becker to the National Labor Relations Board, Barack Obama has put a fox in charge of the hen house. Becker’s ties to the SEIU should force him to recuse himself from cases involving the union. Instead, Becker says he can preside over cases involving the local branches of the union, but not the national organization itself. This is a load of manure. Becker and Obama are each too close to the SEIU. The union is running America today, electing its own bosses and manipulating the system to funnel more taxpayer money into its coffers.
Commentary by Dick Young on Honey, I Shrunk My Approval Ratings by Karl Rove, The Wall Street Journal
So much for the “Summer of Recovery,” that the Obama administration promised Americans. The only thing Americans have to recover from is the hangover they got when they woke up in November 2008 to find out they had elected Barack Obama, an inexperienced, academic with no real qualifications to be president, and even less tact and charm to boot. Now Americans are stuck with an arrogant, elitist with a radical ideology who wants to “change” America into a socialist utopia using your money. November can’t come soon enough.
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