Read about this troubling US cleric here.
Michael S. Smith II reports:
Breaking news this evening reveals Shiraz Maher and other ICSR (Kings College) researchers have published a report that provides substantial coverage of the activities of an individual we have been monitoring in recent months, Ahmad Musa Jibril, whom one of my colleagues and I assess has/had the potential to become the next online English-speaking jihadi cleric celebrity a la Anwar al-Awlaki.
Jibril is a US-based cleric whose sermons made available globally via YouTube came to our attention while monitoring the Twitter accounts of numerous jihadis active in Syria who are assessed to be members of ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusrah. A recent report by Ronald Sandee cited Tweets of one such (deceased) jihadi,a resident of the UK known as Abu Layth al-Khorasani (Twitter account accessible here). Abu Layth is apparently also mentioned in the ICSR report; Jibril praised him via Twitter in February 2014.
Read more about Jibril here.
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