Health Care, Hayek and Freedom – Human Events
Americans have awoken. They know that, as Mr. Wolfram observes, the health-care bill “is meant to involve the federal government in every nook and cranny of American life.” Obama, Biden, Pelosi, and Reid now plan to deploy the IRS to hunt down Americans not in compliance with the new health-care mandates. Tens of millions of Americans attend major-league baseball games and loyally follow their favorite teams on the radio and television. Major-league baseball is a big deal, it’s as American as apple pie. And now Barack Obama wants to flood America with twenty times more IRS agents than the major leagues have baseball players. How’s that for some perspective? Is a full-blown socialized police state what you bought into as an Obama voter? It sure isn’t what I buy. The battle is now on. – Dick Young
A Tea Party Without Nuts – The New York Times
Mr. Friedman believes that America still has “much more nation-building … to do—from education to energy to the environment to innovation to tax policy.” Mr. Friedman is on the wrong side of the curve. Conservative Americans want no part of big-government nation- building. Instead, we need a collapse of the public sector and a powerful return to states’ rights, and individual freedom and liberty. According to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the majority of U.S. jobs are provided by America’s small business owners. No small business owner in America benefits from any form of nation-building. Today we apparently live in two Americas. – Dick Young
Afghan Soldiers Way Below Standard, Exasperated Marines Say – McClatchy Newspapers
Let me be clear here. Any diligent reading of Afghan history suggests that we should not be there. This ancient land presents America with no national risk. A far bigger and more challenging risk for America is illegal immigration from Mexico, which should be stopped and reversed. U.S. troops belong on the U.S.-Mexico border, not in Iraq, and certainly not in Afghanistan. – Dick Young
Oath Keepers
Many organizations are today front and center in the defense of the U.S. Constitution. One such organization is Oath Keepers, a non-partisan association of currently serving military, reserves, National Guard, veterans, peace officers, and firefighters. – Dick Young
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