Start by totally abandoning the “West Coast Four,” especially the big cities and colleges. San Francisco, Portland, and Seattle need clean sweeps.
Clear out of the Colorado/New Mexico quagmire.
New York and Illinois are always your two very first cesspools for “retreat.”
Louisiana, Virginia, and North Carolina are my “big three” to flood into and turn red. Most of the big Washington departments and agencies must be relocated to red states from Washington as quickly as possible. The UN must be moved from New York, even perhaps to Haiti, so as to please the “diversity crowd”.
Vermont is of course dark blue, but there just are not many leftwing folks that comprise the starkly progressive misfits crowd. A powerful effort by a charismatic hard-line right-wing nationalist leader could get the job of “turning Vermont red” done. Abandon all Vermont colleges, as well as Burlington.
Georgia is my number one retake state in the Senate.
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