A quick look at the RealClearPolitics.com chart of Joe Biden’s approval ratings shows that Americans are not happy with his performance.
Biden’s RealClearPolitics average net disapproval has reached -9.3 points. That’s still better than President Trump’s ratings, which were net disapproval of around -16.7 points at this point in his first term. But Biden has had non-stop POSITIVE media coverage, while Trump had endured non-stop NEGATIVE media coverage at the time. So even with the Joe Biden infomercial running 24/7, Biden is still losing American support.
At the same time in his first term, Barack Obama had a positive net approval rating of +14.2 points. He still suffered a MEGA-loss in the 2009 midterm elections that gave the GOP caucus the 112th Congress with their largest majority in 62 years (since the end of the 80th Congress in 1949).
At the same time during his first presidential term, George W. Bush had a +81.7 point approval, but that was shortly after 9/11, so it’s a bit of an aberration. By the time election 2002 came around, his net approval had fallen to +35, which was still extraordinary. The GOP picked up 8 seats during the midterm (one of only three times since the Civil War that the President’s party has picked up seats in a midterm).
Redistricting Will Give GOP Even More Control
Adding to the momentum for the GOP of Joe Biden’s poor approval ratings, the GOP will also heavily control the upcoming redistricting process based on the 2020 Census. Out of the 35 American states that have partisan redistricting control, the GOP controls 20. Democrats control only 11, and four have mixed party control. The other states use commissions or only qualify for one House member and therefore don’t need districts.
The point of all this being, that unless Joe Biden does something miraculous, or history throws us a curveball (like China invading Taiwan or the election being rigged), 2022 could be a bloodbath for House Democrats.
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