You won’t hear this on the TV news. Bill Sardi explains at that with adequate levels of vitamin D, fatality rates from COVID-19 drop by 18 percentage points from 21% to 3%. He writes (abridged):
I say to almost every person who has a positive PCR test for COVID-19, you may or may not have experienced COVID-19 infection in the past year because COVID-19 symptoms may be mimicked by a vitamin B1 (thiamine) deficiency induced by over-consumption of alcohol, polyphenols in coffee or tea, and by sugary foods. Alcohol consumption is up 500% in America.
There is strong evidence that increasing sunshine vitamin D blood levels reduce COVID-19 “positivity.
The data are clear — vitamin D supplements reduce mortality rates for COVID-19 infection, again, any variety or mutation of coronavirus.
The very fact coronavirus infections are seasonal suggests low sunshine vitamin D blood levels are to blame. In winter the rates of heart disease, multiple sclerosis, mental depression (seasonal affective disorder), cancer and of course infection disease, all rise.
Even more convincing, data reveals adequate vitamin D blood levels drop the fatality rate from COVID-19 infection from 21% to just 3%.
Vitamin D adequacy also explains why COVID-19 infected individuals are asymptomatic.
No wonder when modern medicine went to determine how much vitamin D is needed it fabricated a “statistical error.” The Recommended Daily Allowance is 600 units, equivalent to 5 minutes of sun/skin exposure. The corrected error is ~8000 units of supplemental vitamin D, equivalent to 30 minutes of midday sun
What is most feared is months after RNA immunization there is exposure to another one of the seven corona cold viruses. Then the immune system may be triggered against internal organs of vaccinees. In the event of this autoimmune attack, natural molecules that tame down and normalize the human immune response are needed, namely: namely vitamin D, vitamin A, the trace mineral zinc and the red wine molecule resveratrol which sensitizes cells to vitamin D.
By Bill Sardi
Read more here.
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