Chuck Baldwin explains on his site, Chuck Baldwin Live, that there must be accountability for Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx and all those who perpetuated the COVID tyranny on America.
The phony Covid and Green Energy narratives have absolutely nothing to do with science and health and everything to do with tyranny and the destruction of Natural/Constitutional Liberty in the United States. And the two reports I’m referencing in this column more than substantiate that statement.
The Phony Covid Narrative
After three years of lies, deception, fearmongering and the destruction of what was a free, prosperous economy, a sizable percentage of Americans now realize that Anthony Fauci, the pharmaceutical industry and the CDC orchestrated a first-class con job—the world’s greatest Ponzi scheme ever.
So, now that the cons who perpetrated this global hoax know that the jig is up, President Biden is saying he will suspend the emergency orders—signed into law by Donald Trump and extended by Biden—on May 11. But that’s not enough. The criminals that orchestrated and implemented this insanity, that killed and ruined the lives and businesses of multiplied thousands, must be held accountable. They cannot just walk away scot-free with the billions of dollars in profits from this mass global extortion.
For example, along with Fauci, Deborah Birx was the other half of the “medical expert” tandem that falsified medical science for the express purpose of personal enrichment. Birx has even admitted that they knowingly misled the public.
Here is the title of the story: Deborah Birx Openly Admits to Lying About the COVID Vaccines to Manipulate the American People.
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