The BLU-82B/C-130 weapon system, nicknamed Commando Vault, is the high altitude delivery of a 15,000 pound bomb from a C-130. This system depends upon the accurate positioning of the aircraft by either a fixed ground radar or onboard navigation equipment. The ground radar controller or aircrew navigator as applicable, is responsible for positioning the aircraft […]
A Terrifying Time for Democrats
Over the past two weeks, every bit of news associated with the 2010 senatorial elections has been terrifying for the Dems. Indiana The big bad news for Dems came when Senator Evan Bayh from Indiana announced his retirement. His exit puts a seat that was largely thought safe directly into play, with most oddsmakers giving […]
2010 Senate Scorecard:
There are 36 Senate seats up for grabs in the 2010 midterm elections. Through the November elections, I’ll be keeping track of which way each race seems likely to go, whether Democrat, Republican, or independent. In Illinois, the nation’s first primary of 2010 is over. Mark Kirk (R) and Alexi Giannoulias (D) are their parties’ […]
The Death of Obamacare
A death blow to Obamacare was delivered when Scott Brown won the Massachusetts Senate race. But Scott Brown alone didn’t kill Obamacare; he just put the final nail in the coffin. Obamacare died because Americans simply don’t believe in its core tenets. The people Obamacare aimed to cover were not disadvantaged; they simply didn’t have […]
Safety vs. Privacy
Since the failed terror attack on Christmas day, the debate over full-body scanners has exploded, so to say. Without such scanners, say advocates, Americans will never be safe in the skies. It is tempting for politicians to mandate a full-body scanner in every airport, and surely the manufacturers of such devices are doling out campaign […]
The Party of No
Barack Obama and the Democratic majorities in the House and Senate are coming up on their one-year anniversary of total control of the United States. The Democrats were going to reshape the country in the first 100 days. That didn’t happen. Then they made promises for the end of this year. So far, they have […]
Bribes, Threats, and Health-Care
Senator Harry Reid’s (D-NV) health-care proposal was voted into the debate phase late Saturday night, presumably while no one was watching. Any hope that remained for the so-called “moderate” Democrats in the Senate was dashed when senators Lieberman (CT), Lincoln (AR), Nelson (NE), and Landrieu (LA) were bribed, cajoled, and threatened into voting to move […]
What’s Done is Dunn
White House Communication Director Anita Dunn has stepped down from her post. The explanation for the resignation was confusing and a bit hypocritical. According to Obama administration senior advisor, Valerie Jarrett, Dunn always expected to leave, but will remain in the White House every day. Dunn will “attend all strategy sessions, and be present for […]
The Hypocritic Oath
Both sides of the aisle in Congress have made much of the potential for preventive medicine. The thinking is that if doctors catch an illness early, it can be treated at less cost. In his speech to Congress on health care, President Obama said that under his plan, “companies will be required to cover, with […]
The Myth of Fed Independence
The decibel levels of the arguments about the independence of the Federal Reserve have been growing in Washington. One camp says the Fed needs to be more accountable, another camp says an independent Fed should oversee the financial system, and yet another small group says the status quo is fine. It is obvious to most […]