‘We Are Totally Unprepared’ – Peggy Noonan, The Wall Street Journal Every government report of the past eight years points to a terrorist attack on U.S. soil as not only likely but virtually certain. But almost nine years after 9/11, a report just released from the Inspector General of the Justice Department shows how ill-prepared […]
Obama Bungles Oil Spill Response
The risks of deepwater drilling are just starting to be recognized, and there’s plenty of blame to go around. The U.S. oil industry has had a remarkable safety record, but no oil company has an effective plan for dealing with a major spill. Minerals Management Service (MMS) has failed miserably in requiring the stockpiling of […]
Take $10 Billion from the IRS
Rather than letting Americans keep their money so they can afford to buy their own health care insurance, Obamacare spends $10 billion to hire IRS agents to take their money from them. Congressman John Fleming has been in the vanguard in the fight against the hypocrisy written into Obamacare. Now, Fleming has written H.R. 5066, […]
Below is the text of a letter written to my by John Fleming, a congressman, and medical doctor, from Louisiana’s 4th district. Congressman Fleming wrote H Res 615, a resolution that forced members of congress to take their own medicine and sign up for public health insurance upon signing of Obamacare. Now the congressmen who voted so enthusiastically to stick Americans with the […]
What Could Have Been and What You Can Do Now
Gary Becker, Nobel Prize winner and founder, along with Milton Friedman, of the Chicago school of economics, notes in a recent WSJ interview that ObamaCare does not address the weaknesses in our health-care system. Instead it taxes, regulates and mandates. A good bill would have included: 1. Expansion of Health Saving Accounts. 2. Permission to […]
Back to Square one
Here is how to fix, not ruin, our health care system…
Health Care Time Bomb
A couple of years ago, when Dick and I were in Italy, we frequently heard random references to the birth rate declining there, as it is in most of Europe. Young couples just were not having babies. When we asked why this was so, the answers ranged from careers first to religious indifference to “babies […]
Enroll Congress in the Public Option
Below is the text of a letter I received from Congressman John Fleming who represents Louisiana’s 4th District in the House of Representatives. I contacted Congressman Fleming in support of H. Res. 615, a resolution to enroll representatives in the public option if one were to ever be passed. If Congress has the poor judgment […]
A Tale of Two Countries
Dick and I are going to Paris and Istanbul in April, and we are enjoying reading, studying and watching movies about all things French. Our daughter, Becky, gave us Julia Child’s My Life in France, as well as Au Revoir to All That-Food, Wine, and The End of France, in which Michael Steinberger writes an […]
Evangelical Missions: Gold and Oysters
For years, Dick and I would arrive in New Orleans, drop our bags at our French Quarter hotel, and immediately head for the St. Charles streetcar. Riding to the Garden District, our first destination was always Pascal’s Manale for bivalves by the dozen at Pascal’s hallowed marble oyster bar. Don’t know which is more legendary: […]