At The American Conservative, Daniel Larison suggests that America should have ceased its patronage of the Saudis long ago, and now the Kingdom has become a liability. He writes:
The Saudis are an eminently dispensable client, and one that the U.S. should have dropped long ago.
It should be enough that Saudi Arabia has become a liability and has very little to offer the U.S., but if it is not enough we should remember that the Saudis are also a regional menace, their government is guilty of numerous war crimes, and they have implicated the U.S. in their crimes through our indefensible support for what Rezaian rightly calls the “insane and unjustifiable war on Yemen.” The first step in washing our hands of this bad relationship is to cut off all assistance to the Saudi coalition, and from there the U.S. should quickly disentangle itself from the kingdom.
Read more here.
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