It happens every year: the President, of whichever party, emphasizes his accomplishments while somehow not mentioning his defeats. The opposing party remains seated in sullen disenchantment, as members of the President’s party stand and applaud at every pious claptrap, writes Joseph Epstein in the WSJ.
The only item of possible interest in recent years has been whether Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg can remain awake.
How did Donald Trump win in 2016? Many Democrats are still asking. In part the answer lies with HRC: Trump won because so many people voted against Hillary Clinton, Daniel Henninger reminds readers in the WSJ.
Anyone But Trump
Now Democrats believe the midterm election results—in which Democrats defeated Republicans in competitive suburban districts everywhere—show that their best bet is to reduce the 2020 election to ABT—Anyone But Trump.
On Tuesday the world will be watching his State of the Union speech. This would be the moment, nearly two years before the election, to wrap this thing up. He could do that by saving the Dreamers.
The Dreamers – a Source of Shame
The Dreamers—innocent bystanders to an immigration system Mr. Trump calls “a source of shame”—are the biggest unclaimed political prize in American politics.
If … Mr. Trump stands before the world and proposes permanent legal status for the Dreamers and an eventual path to citizenship, the Democrats running on ABT are done. Once Mr. Trump takes the Dreamers away from the Democrats, they’ll never recover.
Mr. Trump put himself in a bind when he said in his nationally televised meeting with Mrs. Pelosi and Mr. Schumer that he would take “responsibility” for the shutdown. They went to ground and let him take the blame.
Now Mr. Trump gets to reset the stakes Tuesday by describing the state of the American union. If with that audience he’s the one who invites the Dreamers into the union, see if Nancy Pelosi, on camera right behind him, is the last one in the room still seated. That won’t be a good look.
Read more from DH here.
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