President Trump has pledged to work with Kim Klacik to bring Baltimore back. Visit her campaign website at
Here’s a preview of Klacik’s platform:
Create Working Class and White Collar Jobs through The Port of Baltimore
Maximizing the potential of the Port of Baltimore, the second-busiest port in the country, and the I-270 Biotech corridor is my top priority.
Maryland has a robust biotech industry already, and the multibillion dollar medical supply chain in the US is ready to be developed – let’s do it in Baltimore! With a strong focus on workforce development for city residents and including West Baltimore as an Opportunity Zone, city and county residents will be able to benefit from a revitalization of the city of Baltimore.
Reduce Reliance on Socialism in District 7
The people of District 7 have been controlled by government policies for far too long. It’s a familiar story: Bureaucrats tax the middle class to death, spend the vast majority of the money on themselves and then neglect the basic needs of those who they claim to want to help (while also forcing them to adopt their warped ideology). Enough. With more jobs and school options, we will work to move people off of government entitlements and make them richer and more prosperous as part of the market economy.
Make Education Work for Children and Parents
I support school choice, vouchers and a 100% tax credit for home schooling, along with the ability to form home schooling cooperatives. Parents need to choose schooling that is best for their children.
Ensure 2nd Amendment Rights
American people have the right to protect their families and businesses against criminals and unwell individuals who may seek to harm them. I strongly support Constitutional Concealed Carry reciprocity.
Increase Healthcare Options to Drive Down Costs
Obamacare is anything but “affordable,” as the name of ACA implies. I’ll work to ensure that any individual, including self-employed individuals, would be allowed to form associations for the purpose of purchasing group health insurance, as proposed by Senator Rand Paul. This provides small businesses and individuals with more negotiating power to drive down the exorbitant costs of healthcare.