In the 2008 presidential election, 131 million votes were cast. Barack Obama received 9,522,083 million more votes than did John McCain. A swing of less than 5 million votes would have put Mr. McCain, rather than Barack Obama, in the White House. Americans were rightfully fed up with George Bush and his cabal of neocon nation builders. The Bush record was low hanging fruit for any Democrat contender, especially against another neocon sympathizer with little conservative support. Mr. McCain ran a lousy campaign. There is no other way to characterize it. In went an unknown Barack Obama with nothing in the way of a presidential résumé.
Under President Obama America, for the first time in history, has lost its AAA-credit rating. President Obama jammed through his intrusive Obamacare, among the most hated pieces of legislation in history. The president’s policies of income redistribution have led to an unemployment rate that still stands at a staggering 9.1%, despite profligate spending of the highest order in combination with full-scale money printing at the Fed. Along the way President Obama has sent two ultra-liberal justices to lifetime jobs at the Supreme Court. The mess in Iraq and Afghanistan continues unabated. If the president has any idea what to do next, he is hiding his plan from Americans. President Obama is the most destructive president of my lifetime. And to get re-elected in 2012 President Obama has now gone on the class warfare attack, while saying otherwise. President Obama deserves to be a one-term president.
Who has the best chance of eliminating President Obama? A number of scenarios make sense and none includes Mitt Romney who is the least well positioned to attack Obamacare. I like Ron Paul’s positions, if not his debating skills and occasional gaffes. Michelle Bachmann brings energy and a strong stand on fiscal prudence. The Texas jobs creator, Rick Perry, holds a lot of appeal for the Tea Party, but a Texas folksy debating style is no bonus. As governors, Mr. Romney and Mr. Perry have records that, like any, can be mercilessly picked apart by the opposition. Newt Gingrich is gangbusters on the issues, but is of the neocon persuasion and seems to be gaining little traction. Nonetheless, Newt is a powerful debater and should not be dismissed.
All of which gets me to former Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City board chairman, math wiz and Department of the Navy ballistics expert, Herman Cain. In the 2008 presidential election, approximately 15.9 million blacks turned out, of which 95% (about 15.1 million) voted for President Obama. Herman Cain has a Masters Degree in computer science from Purdue University. He is a nationally esteemed business leader and was the former CEO of The National Restaurant Association. And last but far from least, Herman Cain is a minister at the Antioch Baptist Church North outside of Atlanta.
Let’s go out on a limb and suggest that all of the blacks who voted for Barack Obama would read and give fair consideration to what I have presented above as it relates to both President Obama and Mr. Cain. It is a stretch to believe that President Obama’s tragic record and weightless background would draw much interest in contrast to the deep background of achievements of Herman Cain. It would be logical to expect that Mr. Cain would out pull President Obama by a wide margin. But let’s go even further out on a limb and say it’s a toss-up. If so, using last year’s black voting breakout, Mr. Cain might hope to pull perhaps 7.5 of the 15.1 million black votes that in 2008 went to Barack Obama. And then let’s assume that the remainder of voters vote as they did last time (this will not happen, to President Obama’s despair). We would then be adding 7.5 million votes to the 59.9 million votes that John McCain received and shaving off 7.5 million votes from the 69.4 million votes Barack Obama received.
My adjusted tally ends up 67.4 million votes for Mr. Cain and 61.9 million votes for President Obama. In fact, the gap would be far larger. In 2008, the Tea Party was not a factor. The Glenn Beck Express had yet to be born. The powerful force of Rush Limbaugh was not in play due to the weak conservative hand played by John McCain. And then there was the dismal record of President Bush that allowed easy pulverization. What hand does President Obama have to play based on my presentation above? His is a dismal record on which to run. Let’s be fair here, just what does President Obama have to tell Americans as to why they need four more years of the misery this fellow has wrought. I like the math for Herman Cain. How about you?
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