Striking Out
No surprise, California doesn’t have enough money to pay for benefits for unemployed workers. Why, then would the Legislature even think about giving benefits to workers who choose to go on strike?
The Golden State Is Broke?
In the WSJ, James Freeman reports on the editorial board at the San Jose Mercury News:
Gov. Gavin Newsom should veto SB 799 and limit unemployment checks to workers who are out of work through no fault of their own. If unions want to help workers pay their bills during a strike, they should increase their strike fund budget. It’s not like they don’t have the money. Labor spent an estimated $1.8 billion on election campaigning in the United States in 2020…
Beyond the basic principle of paying benefits to workers who choose to go on strike, California already owes $18 billion to the federal government for money it borrowed to pay unemployment benefits during the pandemic…
On top of that, the nonpartisan Legislative Analyst’s Office reports that the state estimates that this year unemployment benefits payments will exceed tax collections by $1.1 billion, the first time that has happened during a period of job growth.
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