Governor Gavin Newsom (CA-D) visits the President of El Salvador, Salvador Sánchez Cerén. April 8, 2019. Photo courtesy of the office of the president of El Salvador.
Andrew Moran explains at LewRockwell.com how progressive liberals, led by Governor Gavin Newsom, are killing California once and for all. He writes (abridged):
California may be the most populous state in the Union, but it could transform into the exodus capital of America.
Contrary to internet mythos, it is not only high-income earners who are packing up their things and saying goodbye to Newsom. Studies, including one from the Public Policy Institute of California and another by the Empire Center for Public Policy, have found that poorer households are more likely to flee than their affluent counterparts. But considering the policing being proposed or enacted, it is safe to say that the wealthy have no reason to be some of the left behinds.
Although local left-leaning politicians and the mainstream press will allude to the widespread wildfires as evidence of climate change, it has been years of gross negligence contributing to the disaster.
In August, California Democrats proposed a significant tax hike on the wealthy. The Assembly legislation includes raising the top income tax rate to 16.8 percent, retroactive to January of this year.
In a statement, Newsom also endorsed a ban on petroleum fracking.
California has even targeted freelancers as part of politicians’ crusades to save them from the free market’s vile exploitation. Last year, the governor signed into law AB5, a bill that would mandate companies to reclassify freelancers and contingent workers as full-time employees.
Despite facing a tremendous budget gap and a pension crisis, the state is hatching a plan for slavery reparations.
The situation in California has had a snowball effect. Every progressive prescription that has done more harm than good has converted the snowball into an avalanche, leading folks to the nearest exit.
If you have left-leaning views and travel to Texas or Arkansas, be sure to remember the hashtag #DontCaliforniaMyArizona.
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