Want to take the first step with me toward a dramatically improved lifestyle and lifesaving course of action for your family? Of course you do. Each of us has our family’s health as our first priority. OK, then. Here is how to begin today.
Your first move is to boycott big box supermarkets. I have not shopped for food in these behemoths for a long time, nor will you have to after reading my introduction here and my Lifesavers in the weeks to come. You may be thinking, “Dump the supermarket? Young is nuts. There is no way to engage in such a departure.” Well, let’s see. I know you will be in for a surprise at how easy, with my help, it is to end your days cruising the sugar- and salt-loaded aisles of the jumbo food markets. In preparation for your departure, take a pen and three-by-five index cards to your big box food store. Hit the soup, cereal, and snack aisles and jot down the grams of sugar and salt in random samplings. Also note the oils used, as well as the inclusion of high-fructose corn syrup. You want to dramatically reduce your intake of all of these.
One of the finest books I’ve read on food is Rainbow Green Live-Food Cuisine by Gabriel Cousens, M.D. As Dr. Cousens tells us, “Sugar is the primary culprit behind disease, because sugar feeds mold, fungus, yeast, and viruses.” The #1 food that deranges the biological terrain is any food that is high in sugar. You want to stay clear of sugar, salt, and all the omega-6 polyunsaturated oils I have written about, including corn, safflower, sunflower, peanut, cottonseed, and soybean oil. The best way to get on course fast is to end your purchase of packaged foods—period. In almost every case, if it comes in a box, bottle, or jar, you don’t want it. And, of course, it is not just the food sold in commercial grocery stores. There are plenty of processed food products sold in health food stores. You want to end your days as a consumer of packaged and processed foods.
But where will you shop for your family if not at the big commercial box? I rely on natural food markets. Next up are local farms and farmers’ markets. In our case, we have terrific options available in Key West and Newport. Many smaller, family-owned and regional food markets, while not billed as natural food markets, make the effort to stock organic produce, locally caught fish, antibiotic- and hormone-free meat, and free-range local eggs. In Key West, we have Fausto’s Food Palace, a locally owned family market. Owner Jimmy Weekly is well tuned in to the tastes of his often-fussy clientele, and he goes out of his way to stay on top of what is healthy and local.
Finally, Debbie and I rely on a handful of specialty mail order sources like U.S. Wellness Meats and American Grass Fed Beef. I have posted all the resources you need on my home page health links. Start with Eatwild.com and Localharvest.org, and go from there. You will have little trouble rounding up all the sources you and your family need to make your departure from the big box commercial market a lead-pipe cinch. I wish you good luck in your health transition.
Warm regards, Dick
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