Commentary by Dick Young on Scattershot Stimulus by the editors of National Review
Every form of special interest giveaway “stimulus” that the Obama administration has forced on Americans has failed miserably. Now the Obama administration wants to hand out tax breaks to businesses that are major fundraisers. On the surface this looks like a “tax break” for Americans, but in reality this is just one more sideshow. President Obama wants to cut taxes for businesses for a year on their investments in equipment, most of which will come from China. This is going to give his administration the cover it needs to raise the taxes of all Americans, including the same businesses that get the equipment tax break, by allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire. Smoke and mirror shows are not a good way to run an economy.
Commentary by Dick Young on Our Waning Obama Worship by Victor Davis Hanson, National Review
Some have said that waning support for Barack Obama is confined to the outer reaches of American civilization, i.e. the small towns and villages of the American countryside. They are wrong. Americans in both urban and rural areas are waking up to the idea that their president is leading them down a path of fiscal destruction.
Commentary by E.J. Smith on Time for Emergency Economic Reform by Mitch Daniels, The Wall Street Journal
You don’t need to study econometrics to realize the Obama Administration is driving the economy off a cliff. Looking through their rose colored lenses debt to GDP will reach 90% with the economy growing at an average rate of 3.4% for 10 years. In the real world the economy grew by only 1.6% in the second quarter. Even kids selling lemonade understand the difference between the reality of what they hope to sell, and what they actually sell.
Commentary by Timothy Jones on Jim DeMint, Superstar by John Gizzi, Human Events
The ascendance of Jim DeMint to the position of Senate Republican leader would be, without a doubt, good for America. DeMint is the Senate’s most conservative principled Republican. His support for Tea Party candidates has helped many win their primaries, and he is a constant advocate of smaller government and lower taxes. If you’re wondering how a principled conservative would have voted on a bill, simply looking up DeMint’s vote is an absolutely perfect guide. With a new crop of freshmen GOP senators heading to Capitol Hill, let’s hope they put DeMint at the vanguard of the GOP Senate.
Commentary by Timothy Jones on Just What Is Mike Castle’s Voting Record? by Jim Geraghty, National Review
The establishment GOP is circling the wagons around Mike Castle. Either they see something they really don’t like in Christine O’Donnell, or they think that Mike Castle, one of the most liberal GOP congressmen in the country, is the only one that can win the race in Delaware. They may be correct, but if I were a Delaware conservative I would have a hard time justifying a vote for Castle. One thing is for sure, O’Donnell is running a much better campaign than anyone expected she would, and driving hard to win. She has the help of the same team of campaigners that led Doug Hoffman to near victory in NY-23. If there are any budding politicians out there that want to rise from nothing to competitive status, get on the phone to O’Donnell’s team and reserve them for the next election.
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