From National Review:
Fire Secretary Kathleen Sebelius!
Your privacy flagrantly compromised. Massive costs for website snafus. Wildly inaccurate quotes. Log-in hell. Software madness. Shockingly expensive premiums. These are just some of what American citizens have encountered since the disastrous October 1 launch of the federal government’s long-in-the-works Obamacare website. Who’s responsible for this multi-billion-dollar mess? Why, the president of course. But also the very person who has overseen the health-care website’s creation: Health and Human Services secretary Kathleen Sebelius.
Every day brings new stories of the Obamacare site’s near-complete unworkability, while the Obama administration responds with fantastic don’t-be-concerned counterclaims. Huge problems are downplayed, and brazen promises are made that the behemoth program’s complex and convoluted software will be quickly and easily fixed.
Most Americans, especially those most in need of health care right now, don’t believe the excuses and promises. They never believed in Obamacare. And now they know it isn’t working. As Joe Biden would say, “literally.” Any corporate executive charged with launching a product that flopped this spectacularly would be held accountable and fired. That’s exactly what has to happen to Kathleen Sebelius. She has to go. Now.
Join us in calling for the president to hold Kathleen Sebelius accountable for her gross incompetence and her misspending of taxpayers’ billions. (And be sure to read the NR editors’ take on the Obamacare mishap.) Tell him to fire the HHS secretary for her hideous mismanagement of the hideous Obamacare program!
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