“The radical does not sit frozen by cold objectivity…. Society has good reason to fear the radical…. Radicals precipitate the social crisis by action—by using power…. If you have a vast organization, parade it before the enemy, openly show your power…. If your organization is too tiny even for noise, stink up the place…. Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” Nice stuff, huh?
Vitriol like this is hard to find among reasonable folk. Certainly not the sort of stuff Evangelical Christians would ever buy into. Who in his right mind would verbalize such toxic thinking? Why Mr. Saul Alinsky, author of Rules for Radicals, that’s who. Well, of course, Saul Alinsky, but who gives a rat’s kiester? Only Marxists and socialists and the most rabid of the union thuggery would buy into the Alinsky game. Yes, that is largely the case, but you know who has been left out of my short list? How about The National Education Association? That’s not even funny to suggest, right? Sorry, but it is exactly the NEA that has circulated a paper recommending Saul Alinsky’s Marxist-influenced radical thinking. NEA rightly describes Alinsky’s work as “mother’s milk of the left.”
NEA writes that it is hoped that Alinsky’s writing’s will help bring NEA members together around the common goal of improving public education. I unfortunately am not kidding or embellishing. It is all black and white, taken directly from NEA.org (Editor’s note: The page this link originally pointed to has been taken down by NEA.) As you know, I have been writing negatively on Saul Alinsky for an extended period, and it has been my regular opinion that the administration of President Barack Obama is in sympathy with many of the Alinsky principles.
One group of distinguished Americans who would most certainly not have been on line with the Marxist thinking is the founders. Clearly, America’s public school system must be separated from the NEA. The NEA has no place in the American educational landscape. Looking ahead to the elections of 2012, I expect that that Tea Party will seek out qualified candidates who will run on a platform that includes the removal of the NEA. There is zero chance that our kids have any hope of a proper education so long as the NEA has a place in America’s education system.
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