John Podesta, head of the Center for American Progress and Obama advisor wants the president to use executive orders to implement his agenda. He has already begun by ordering the lawyers at the Department of Labor to start “shaming” America’s employers. Does that sound like a president who wants to create jobs to you, one who would actively have his squad of goon labor lawyers attempt to shame employers? This is just one more example of John Podesta’s Alinsky-type influence on the president. Using all the levers of power, no matter how unethical and wrong, to get what you want. In this case the Obama administration is using the Department of Labor to give unions more power over their employers.
The president is doing everything he can to make life easier for unions. John Fund writes “while the Department of Labor prepares for a hyper-aggressive enforcement strategy against business, it has rolled back Bush-era reforms mandating greater union transparency. Just this week the department rescinded its Form T-1, which required unions to report on strike funds and other accounts under union control.”
Barack Obama is the unions’ president, lock-stock-and-barrel. Read E.J. Smith’s Unions Steal Your Dream for more on the outrageous arrangement between the Obama administration and its union backers.
The Tea Party and business leaders like the Chamber of Commerce need to come out hard against the president’s Department of Labor mandates. If he gets push back here, he’ll be less likely to run the country through executive fiat in the future.
One overlooked result of the tsunami election of 2010 was the massive number of conservative governors elected. One standout is Nikki Haley of South Carolina. Haley, and others like her, are absolutely bent on reminding the Congress and the President that states hold the power, not the federal government.
In an interview with Neil Cavuto, Haley takes on the Pelosi-led House of Representatives decision to pass an extension of the Bush tax cuts only for the lower-income workers.
Haley says that this type of poor government is why governors around the country must step up and show Americans exactly what good government is.
I agree, as a supporter of the movement to enforce the tenth amendment of constitution. Haley calls for spending caps in states, and transparency in spending. She has a fiscal task force that will examine her state’s spending and identify areas to cut spending.
America must work to secure freedom in every aspect of life. Another of today’s rising conservative stars is also a governor from the south, Bobby Jindal. You know, if you’ve been reading these posts for any amount of time, that I believe radical Islamic terrorism to be a great threat to America and the world. But this passage by Gov. Jindal is absolutely true:
The single greatest threat to our freedoms isn’t external. Islamic terrorists can’t rob us of our liberty. America is too big and powerful for them. No, the biggest threat to our freedom comes from within our borders, not beyond them. It comes when we are tempted to bargain away, little by little, the liberties other Americans have fought and died to place in our hands.
Terrorism can only hurt America’s freedom if it is allowed to do so. But politicians with dreams of big-government control are a much more insidious threat to your and my freedom. Don’t be led astray by promises of government assistance or welfare. Money for nothing can’t last forever.
Democrats are going to try to make it last as long as possible though. They have made big promises to their constituencies and now House Democrats have voted to tax the rich to subsidize the less wealthy. In the crossfire of this class-war led by Nancy Pelosi are America’s small businesses and retirees. Many small businesses are going to get whacked by increased marginal tax rates, meaning less hiring, less investment and more reliance on consumer spending to generate GDP growth. That is obviously not a situation Americans want to confront.
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