Now that the president has totally altered America’s healthcare system, he is on to other liberal wishlist items that have been on the backburner. First among them is gun control. The president has promised time and again that he isn’t coming after anyone’s guns, but he is attempting to install rabidly anti-gun officials in powerful bureaucratic positions.
On deck for control of the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) is Andrew Traver, an anti-gun BATFE agent from Chicago’s field office.
Here’s a video of Traver, that is misleading viewers by showing them an automatic Ak-47, but saying that assault weapons ought to be banned. The Ak-47 that’s in the video is already illegal in the United States for those without a special permit. This type of confusion of the facts is the bread and butter of the anti-gun lobby.
America surely doesn’t need another bureaucrat to confuse the issues for them. The Obama administration is already full of people who are doing that.
Any senator that votes to confirm Traver as head of BATFE will certainly face the wrath of voters come their next election. The NRA has already come out strongly against Traver. Below is an interview with Chris Cox from the NRA that outlines why Traver shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near Washington D.C.
The Tax Man Cometh – Dick Young
Are you ready to start paying higher taxes? Expect less money in your paycheck starting in January thanks to Nancy Pelosi. Pelosi, beaten but unfortunately still leading Congress for another month or so, is not about to let the “wealthy” go on paying the same tax rates they are paying today. Instead she wants to suck the life out of them by raising their taxes. On the other side of the aisle, the GOP has signaled that it’s simply not going to happen like that, either the entire country continues paying Bush-era tax rates, or nothing gets passed at all.
This has led to a bit of a standoff in Congress. There could simply be a vote, but Pelosi doesn’t think she’ll win, so she has attempted to get around the legislative process. That won’t end well for anyone.
Let’s not forget that the reason Americans have no idea how much they’ll be paying in taxes in a month is because the Obama administration spent months and months pushing Obamacare forward, rather than taking care of the priorities of the legislative session. Those priorities are tax policy and a budget. Now, Harry Reid and the Senate Democrats want to use what little time they have left this year to give illegal immigrants the right to a government sponsored education.
Is that how Congress is supposed to work? John Hayward at Human Events asks, “what the hell are they doing, fooling around with a massive expansion of power for the Food and Drug Administration in the lame-duck session of Congress, when the government still doesn’t have a budget? Why are they trying to pass a bill salted with tax increases, when the expiration of the Bush tax cuts hangs over the economy like a headsman’s axe?”
Good questions. Take a look at today’s featured video, Pelosi said she hoped to take the tax cut to a vote before the election. That obviously didn’t happen. Congress should stop dragging its feet, and extend all the Bush tax cuts today.