Murkowski Amendment Fails, 47-53 – Daniel Foster, National Review
The amendment from Lisa Murkowski to stop the EPA from hijacking the nation’s carbon emission controls has failed. Six Democrats did however vote for the bill and should be commended for bucking their out-of-touch leadership. Those senators are Evan Bayh, Mary Landrieu, Blanche Lincoln, Ben Nelson, Mark Pryor, and John Rockefeller. – Dick Young
U.S. Offensive Stalls in Key Afghan City – Allen Cullison, The Wall Street Journal
Surprise, surprise, the local Afghanis aren’t thrilled about a U.S. offensive in Kandahar, and they don’t even see the Taliban as an enemy. So what is the reason for the U.S. military’s offensive in the city? Right now the Obama team has sent the military on a farewell tour of Afghanistan. After the president promised to start pulling troops out next year, there had to be a major offensive to make it look as though the U.S. won the war. This is the same thing the Soviets did right before they pulled out of Afghanistan. Drive around taking “control” of cities, making things look good for the news reporters, then dash for the border. – Dick Young
Big Labor’s Arkansas Bust – Kimberley A. Strassel, The Wall Street Journal
The attempt by unions to put fear into the hearts of their enemies was surely thwarted in Arkansas where they lost big. Every carpet-bagging union boss that flew down to Arkansas to fight against Blanche Lincoln is today flying home with mud on his face. Blanche Lincoln was one of the few Democrats who voted against card check, and that made the unions irate. They spent $10 million trying to take down Lincoln, but instead are going home empty handed, and poor. I’m sure that the rank and file union members are very happy their dues were wasted on a futile attempt at political revenge, instead of working to protect their jobs. – Dick Young
Why I’m Running as a Tea Party Republican – Joel B. Pollak, The Wall Street Journal
Joel Pollak is the GOP congressional nominee in the 9th district of Illinois running as a Tea Party Republican. He decided to run when he learned that his representative in Congress, Jan Schakowsky (D., ILL.) had called the tea parties “shameful” and “despicable” for protesting the stimulus bill. He also gained notoriety last year as a Harvard University student publicly standing up and questioning Barney Frank for supporting such a bill.
Sean Bielat is running for the 4th district of Massachusetts to unseat Barney Frank. Bielat, a well-spoken businessman with a military background is the greatest challenge Frank has faced in years, over 30 years in office and counting that is. It’s time for Mr. Frank to go home. Learn more about Sean Bielat at his website. Typing in its name alone makes it well worth the visit: – E.J. Smith
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