Pastor Chuck Baldwin writes, “The refugee crisis is a tool of globalists to destabilize the West and help usher in a global Police State.” Baldwin quotes a friend as writing “The uprising of ISIS is a direct result of Bush’s [and Obama’s] war on terror.”
Baldwin continues:
I bet the vast majority of readers have never heard nor read about the fact that Christians and Muslims are fighting side-by-side against ISIS in Syria, have you? You haven’t read that NO ONE in the West or in Israel is helping the Assyrian Christian Army in Syria, have you? You haven’t heard that Iran is helping to provide medical assistance and support to the Christians fighting ISIS in Syria, have you? You haven’t heard that Assad’s army in Syria is assisting the Christians in their fight against ISIS, have you? No, you haven’t. The U.S. media and Washington politicians don’t want to tell you about that. It might undermine the anti-Muslim, anti-Iran, anti-Syria propaganda that they have been dishing out 24/7 for the last fourteen years.
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