Although the timing of the deletions is not clear, David Kendall, Hillary Clinton’s lawyer, revealed that the Mrs. Clinton’s private server could not be turned over to an independent third party for examination because her computer had been wiped clean. In theory, the House Benghazi Committee could subpoena them and take Ms. Clinton to court, but as Chairman Trey Gowdy notes, going that route could take “years and years.” Read more here from the WSJ on Hillary’s latest shenanigans.
The Wall Street Journal editors write:
The question now is what Congress can do, if anything, to retrieve those “wiped” emails. In theory, the House could subpoena Mrs. Clinton’s emails and take her to court. But Mr. Gowdy concedes that going this route would take “years and years.” Meantime, Mrs. Clinton would make Lois Lerner of IRS infamy look like a model of cooperation.
Eric Holder’s Justice Department isn’t about to investigate, so the sanction will have to be political. Team Hillary and her media palace guard think the email story will fade, and they’ll help by calling it “old news” within a fortnight.
Democrats could provide one check on her stonewalling if anyone runs against her in the presidential primaries. Then her Nixonian character would become an issue. But so far the only Democrats who might run are second-stringers who are bidding to be Vice President and so wouldn’t want to speak truth to Mrs. Clinton’s power. Thus her Democratic coronation proceeds apace. It’s going to be fascinating to see if the voters are as eager as Democrats to be governed again by Clinton-Nixon mores.
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