Drumbeat Grows Louder: GOP Senators Call for Sestak Special Prosecutor – Byron York, Washington Examiner
On Wednesday all seven Republicans on the Senate Judiciary committee called for Attorney General Eric Holder to appoint a special prosecutor to determine whether or not the Obama administration tried to bribe Congressman Joe Sestak into dropping out of the Pennsylvania Democratic Senate primary against Arlen Specter. The administration had supported Specter, a one-time Republican, and if the allegations are true, it would seem the president or his staff didn’t want to be completely embarrassed by Specter loss in the primary, which is exactly what happened. The former Navy admiral, Joe Sestak has maintained that the administration offered him a job to drop out of the race. The GOP committee members wrote to Attorney General Holder that, “The allegations in this matter are very serious and, if true, suggest a possible violation of various federal criminal laws intended to safeguard our political process from the taint of bribes and political machine manipulation.” After the Blagojevich scandal, is anyone actually surprised to see Chicago-style politics coming from the White House? – Dick Young
80-Year-Old Chicago Man Kills Armed Home Invader – FOXNews.com
This is precisely what the Second Amendment is all about. – Deborah Young
Live-Blogging Obama Presser: Broad New Limits on Drilling – Daniel Foster, National Review
Yesterday the president blamed the inherent risks of deepwater drilling for the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. The president also placed a moratorium on new drilling and canceled new drilling leases in coastal waters. This strategy has hypocrisy written all over it. If deepwater drilling risks are to blame, preventing oil companies from drilling in shallow coastal waters doesn’t help. The president is using the disaster to walk-back a decision he made under political pressure. As his chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel said, don’t ever let a disaster go to waste. – Timothy Jones
A GOP Oil Trap – Kimberley A. Strassel, The Wall Street Journal
Ms. Strassel is often correct in her assessments and today is no different. Her key analysis is that “Beltway politicking during a crisis just annoys the public.” Politicians from both sides of the aisle need to stop blaming one another for the oil spill in the gulf and work together to stop it. There will be plenty of time for blame to be placed once the spill is stopped, and the oil contained. – Dick Young
Canada’s Strong Economy Helps Its Banks – Caroline Van Hasselt, The Wall Street Journal
Canadian banks are performing well. That’s in concert with the country’s economy. The banks have little exposure to the woes of the European debt market and are capitalizing on low interest rates to earn profits. – Dick Young
He Was Supposed to Be Competent – Peggy Noonan, The Wall Street Journal
President Obama’s handling of the oil spill shows his true narcissism. He has done everything possible to focus blame for the handling of the response on BP, and in good lawyerly fashion, to dissociate himself from the issue. President Obama has only angered many Americans who now have seen his failures in representing them threefold. First in his insistence on pushing through a massive government takeover of healthcare, then in a refusal to adequately police the border, and now in a wishy-washy response to the oil spill. – Deborah Young
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