Arizona Officials Dispute Racial Profiling Charges – Robert M. Engstrom, Human Events
Sheriffs and police in Arizona deal with smugglers, drug runners, and other illegal border crossers on a daily basis. Until now they have not had the tools to effectively deal with these criminals. The federal government has turned a blind eye to the open southern border, and left Sheriff Joe Arpaio and others to fend for themselves. The hysterical cries of racism and profiling from the pro–illegal immigration crowd are insulting to Arizona’s peace officers, who have been trained to high standards and work every day to protect the people of Arizona no matter their skin color or heritage. The new Arizona illegal immigrant law is one more step for states’ rights. Arizona is stepping up after waiting 15 years for federal action. – Dick Young
Something about Arizona – Jay Nordlinger, National Review
The rights protected by the Second Amendment were on display in Arizona when Christopher Broughton carried his guns to a rally outside a speech by President Obama. Oddly, MSNBC’s Contessa Brewer accused Broughton, a black man, of being racially motivated in his protest. The assertion is so laughable that it helps make the point that liberals’ race-baiting of the Tea partiers and other conservatives is overblown. Even African-American TEA partiers are motivated by race in their protest against Barack Obama? The fact is that TEA partiers of all races are not concerned about race, but about the terrible direction Barack Obama is leading the country in. Whether black, white, or any other color in the rainbow, Americans are worried about higher taxes, unstoppable growth in spending and mismanagement of taxpayer dollars. It’s the economy, stupids. – Timothy Jones
SC Grassroots Protest Cap and Trade – Nan Swift,
South Carolinians deserve a real conservative to represent them in the Senate. Lindsey Graham has abandoned his conservative principles (if he ever had any) and is pushing for carbon cap-and-trade legislation. Such legislation would cripple the economy not only of South Carolina, but of the entire nation, by forcing the costs of carbon fuels to skyrocket. South Carolinians would be better represented by Congressman Joe Wilson than flip-flopper Lindsey Graham. I support Joe’s bid for reelection to the House of Representatives. – Dick Young
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