Virginia‘s Rep. Boucher to Vote No on Obamacare, Cites Special Deals & Medicare Rationing – The Weekly Standard
Congressman Boucher has, until now, been considered undecided. Boucher believes that the proposed $500-billion cut in Medicare funds would jeopardize the financial health of hospitals and physicians in southwest Virginia. – Dick Young
Gates’ Bad Bet on F-35 – Human Events
The Obama administration shot down the F-22 program for America’s most advanced stealth jet in favor of the inferior F-35. Now they admit that the F-35 is so far behind schedule and so far over budget that the program manager has been fired. – Dick Young
House Leadership Bending the Reconciliation Rules – Human Events
Article I, Section 7, of the Constitution states that a bill must pass both the House of Representatives and the Senate before it becomes law. Today it looks as if Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic House leaders are going to try to circumvent the Constitution to jam through Obamacare. – Dick Young
Rep. Paul Ryan on What Real Health Reform Should Look Like – Washington Post
“Should the Democrats’ health-care train wreck make it to the president’s desk, it will be a pyrrhic victory, and its devastating consequences will take their toll on our health-care system, our budget and our economy.” – Paul Ryan
John LeBoutillier Gives His Fellow Harvard Alum a Bad Time –
“Every one of these Presidents had an obsession that took them down,” LeBoutillier concluded. “Obama is obsessed with health care.” Much like some of his predecessors, Obama’s obsession with one single issue could cause implosion, as LeBoutillier sees it. LBJ fixated on Vietnam; Nixon obsessed over what his enemies had on him; Clinton compulsively seduced women; and George W. Bush couldn’t shake the urge to off Saddam Hussein, telling members of Congress to support the war in Iraq because, “He tried to kill my dad!” –
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