At, Bill Sardi questions the vaccine being produced by Moderna, and the negative effects it could have on humanity. He writes (abridged):
The US now has 40 million unemployed. The US is ushering in 5G technology to drive robots that will do the repetitive work now done by American laborers.
With robotization (24/7 work, no sick days or vacation days, and no FICA payments to contribute to the Medicare and Social Security Trust Funds), the US will be able to have lower labor costs below those of China where many of our factories have been off-shored.
But what do we do with our 40 million unemployed laborers? Guaranteed income would have to be ushered in in a gigantic fashion.
Both banking and governmental agencies are toying with the idea of a global digital currency where “money” could be downloaded into each and every person’s money card on the planet.
We could dismiss the idea of our overlords as outlandish that there is a hidden agenda to de-populate the earth of humans, but we have a man who vies for the position as “richest man in the world,” who comes from a family steeped in eugenics, who can fund technologies outside the oversite of public funding, and who has stated a 10-15% reduction in the human population is one possible outcome of global immunization.
To add to those suspicions is a forecast by, a private military intelligence service of some credibility, that there will only be 100 million Americans by the year 2025 (current US population 328 million). No explanation is given for this 100 million number.
One of the technologies employed in the Moderna vaccine is transfection, broadly defined as a process of artificially introducing nucleic acids (DNA or RNA) into cells, utilizing means other than viral vectors (carriers). For example, geneticists plan to use transfection to eliminate mosquitoes from the planet and therefore mosquito-borne disease like smallpox. What about humans?
By Bill Sardi
Read Part I here.
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