This picture, taken only a short distance from our house in Key West, illustrates the waste and stupidity of the Obama stimulus plan. Here we have a broad expanse of new pavement in front of a house that has been vacant for a number of years.
Funky Old Town is pockmarked with reminders of Key West’s days of pirates, shrimpers, and cigar factories. A still somewhat rundown look goes with the territory. And here comes ol’ Obama with a whole gang of brandy new intersection sidewalks, not one of which is needed and all of which add a real crummy “who the devil thought of this foul idea” look to Old Town. Why Mr. Repaving & Redistribution, that’s who. Is it any wonder the American people revolted on November 2 and sent more new faces to the House of Representatives than at any time since 1938? Talk about mass repudiation. And the ball is just getting rolling.
Over the next couple of months, I will be filling you in on all the details of the Contract from America. I’ll give you a running count of which House and Senate members are on board with the contract and which are not. Fish will be separated from foul. Looking to the 2012 election, the battle plan will feature “a sign the contract pledge or look for new employment” mandate. It is time to put America back on the federal republic track that Thomas Jefferson intended, rather than the European-style socialism foisted on the people by the Obama-fronted RPM.
To listen to the Obama talk to the nation earlier this week was to hear a guy who simply doesn’t give a rip about a federal republic form of government. Clearly Mr. Obama and his handlers have no intention of listening to the message sent to Washington by the tea party on November 2. Barack Obama is as lame a duck as we have ever seen in this country looking at the second year of a presidential administration. Check out the unemployment lines, the massive foreclosures listings, or the cratering U.S. dollar. Reflect on the travesty of near zero interest rates for savers, but free money for the moneychangers on Wall Street. The whole sorry mess has been delivered to Americans as a blue plate special by President Obama, his shambles of an economic team, and the inflationists at the Fed. The tidal surge that swept out so many of the Repaving & Redistribution sympathizers on November 2 will swell into a far mightier force as the country limps into 2011. And to think that three of the most dangerous perpetrators of the economic disaster—Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Barney Frank—are back in Washington as if everything is just hunky-dory. What are fellow Americans thinking about shafting us all with this sorry trio for another run? I look forward to hearing from Pelosi, Reid and Frank on their views on the new Contract from America.
Warm regards,
Senate Minority Lead Mitch McConnell Speaks to The Wall Street Journal’s Jerry Seib
Contract From America – Timothy Jones
Today, 12 senators elect and 55 congressmen-elect have signed the Contract from America. The Contract is a ten-point plan to restore American greatness. The ten points are:
- Protect the Constitution
- Reject Cap & Trade
- Demand a Balanced Budget
- Enact Fundamental Tax Reform
- Restore Fiscal Responsibility & Constitutionally Limited Government
- End Runaway Government Spending
- Defund, Repeal, & Replace Government-run Health Care
- Pass an ‘All-of-the-Above” Energy Policy
- Stop the Pork
- Stop the Tax Hikes
There is simply no arguing with any of these proposals. Any congressman who wouldn’t sign this when asked is dodging his commitment to his constituents to protect their interests.
New Media Page – E.J. Smith
Be sure you check out our new Media page! There you’ll find authors’ contributions to the news media.
Lame Duck Shenanigans Already Beginning – Dick Young
The president is already pressuring Democrats in the Senate to push forward with the ratification of his New START agreement with Russia. The editors of the National Review write that “Unlike the original START, New START leaves whole classes of delivery vehicles, from rail-launched ICBMs to nuclear-tipped cruise missiles, undefined and thus uncontrolled by the treaty. An “understanding” included in the U.S. ratification document presumes that rail-based missiles are covered under the treaty, but such presumptions lack the force of international law.” If this is true, it would be unconscionable that the American president would so naively trust our Cold War enemies to adhere to the spirit of a treaty, and not put the language in it explicitly. But naivety seems to be par for the course for this administration in situations of foreign affairs. Continuing the Bush administration’s wars in Afghanistan and Iraq is not only naïve but dangerous as well, allowing the Russians to gain an advantage over American forces is an absolute dereliction of duty by the Commander-in-Chief.
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