Oh, and untruthful. Here’s what O’Care navigators are advising desperate citizens whose health insurance policies have been cancelled: Buy the higher priced policy with higher deductible plan and appeal later. Just one little problem, Mr. Obama. There’s no appeal process in place. The government cannot yet fix the errors. Read here about the 22,000 or […]
Lawlessness in the White House
President Obama simply ignores laws he doesn’t like, even ones he has signed. Here as Paul Ryan explains to George Stephanopoulos, “We have an increasingly lawless presidency where he (Obama) is actually doing the job of Congress, writing new policies and new laws without going through Congress. Presidents don’t write laws, Congress does.” Mr. Ryan goes […]
Perhaps Osama bin Laden Did Win
TSA—the $60 Billion Union Monster Since 2002, taxpayers have forked over more than $60 billion for TSA. With 65,000 employees, TSA is now larger than the combined forces at Departments of State, Labor, Energy, Education, and Housing and Urban Development. Furthermore, air travelers are still obliged to go through the loathed full-body scanners, which, at […]
The Doctor Is Out
Dr. Tom Coburn, the junior senator from Oklahoma, has had enough of the self-interest and careerism of Washington politics. A proponent of term-limits, Dr. Coburn believes that Washington cannot fix Washington. Parochial interests will always trump the best interests of the nation. Only America can change Washington. What is needed are new limits on federal […]
Rubbing America’s Face in Ideological BS
In today’s WSJ, Peggy Noonan laments the emotional and tangible distance between Washington and the rest of America, between the federal government and the people. Washington has become an alien and hostile power. The IRS is going to be investigated, not by the FBI, but by a department lawyer who is a campaign contributor to the […]
State of the Union Memes
Reactions to this year’s address and the state of the Obama presidency courtesy of NRO.com. [SlideDeck2 id=18920 iframe=1]
An Imperial Presidency Threatens the Liberty of Every Citizen
“In the more than two centuries of our nation’s history, there is simply no precedent for the White House wantonly ignoring federal law and asking private companies to do the same,” writes Ted Cruz in the WSJ. Read here about the Obama administration’s blatant attempts to expand federal power and how Barack Obama unilaterally ignores, or worse yet, changes […]
Why Aren’t Democrats Demanding the President Abandon Obamacare?
According to a latest Gallup poll, 72% of Americans now view big government as the biggest threat to our country. White House officials say that President Obama wants to use tonight’s State of the Union address to put the past difficult year behind him. The problem is, as Marc Thiessen explains, a worse year is […]
Dateline Key West Part II
In our last Date Line Key West, Dick and I gave you suggestions for lodging and dining. I’m going to expand somewhat by giving you some of our favorite places to visit here in Old Town, KW. Archeo Gallery (Duval Street) Known for its authentic hand-knotted Gabbeh rugs (also known as tribal Persian or nomadic […]
Obama’s Christmas Gift to Americans—A Bag of Broken Glass
Along with the travesty and lies of O’Care, Americans are awakening to the nightmare of the Federal government’s ever-growing stranglehold that is destroying wealth-creation and promoting skyrocketing debt. The Fed’s central bank—no longer tied to a gold standard—channels low interest rates and trillions of dollars to Goldman Sachs et al., while the rest of America […]